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A Gentleman for Christmas Page 9
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Page 9
That’s ever scarier than being his plaything.
I just ended serious. Do I want to go back to that? And so soon?
Presents for the twins! Focus.
Legos? Lincoln Logs? Tricycles? The twins have everything. What’s an aunt to do? I’m definitely not resorting to clothes or putting money in their college fund. I won’t be that aunt. The toy store ends up being a complete bust, so I grab myself a frozen hot chocolate, soak in some Christmas music, and hit the next store.
Art supplies, they have to have something. After twenty minutes of debating my options, I conclude that I’m too good a friend to buy Maci’s kids something that she will have to clean up and will drive her nuts. I might as well buy them a drum set.
Having finished my drink, I toss some money in a charity bucket and am rewarded with a candy cane. Tearing off the wrapper, I realize I’m running out of time. They’re too young for cash or gift cards. My eyes land on a store sign, and genius strikes.
A baby store!
Maybe they have something there for big brothers and big sisters, like a book, t-shirt, video, doll, or something. This could be perfect until I can get their “real” gifts sent to them. Although, if Jax has his way, I’m never going back to Chicago. I’m not sure about his hesitation. It’s not as though I’d be going back to see Luke.
Tossing my candy cane in the trash, I push open the door and see the place is pretty empty. I guess last minute shopping for nursery furniture isn’t big on Santa’s list this year. A sales associate points me in the right direction. Bingo!
I load up on matching t-shirts and onesies for them and the baby, a couple books, and a video. Quickly, I pay and ask the sales lady to please gift wrap it for me. While I’m waiting, something catches my eye, and I walk to a display near the front window, the most beautiful white bassinet with pink ribbons waiting there. Maci’s so lucky to have a son and a daughter—I wonder what she wants this time. I’m sure Harper wants a sister and Parker, a brother.
I run my fingers along the ribbons. I wouldn’t say my clock is ticking, but I definitely see kids in my future. Luke always talked about wanting a big family, but it always seemed like a distant plan for him. I pick up a sweet little pink onesie, holding it up. Are they really this tiny?
Looking down at my stomach, it seems impossible that a baby could grow in there. It shouldn’t. I’ve seen Maci do it, and with twins. She carried them full term, too. We were all there when she delivered with Malcolm at her side—me, Luke, and Jax. I doubt it will be that way for their next baby, and if it is, will it be peaceful?
“Skylar?” I hear my name being called by a sweet voice. “I told you that was her.”
My eyes land on the people that have been my second family, Luke’s parents. I’m so stunned that I don’t say a word, frozen still. They must hate me, but they’ve got huge smiles on their faces. Before I know it, they’re hugging me tightly. Not exactly the reception I expected to get after dumping their son.
“We were just walking by and saw you through the window,” his mother says before pulling back, raising an eyebrow at me. “Something you and Luke need to tell us?”
She eyes the onesie still in my hand. I throw it down like it’s a rag soaked in poison. “Oh, no, I’m here buying a gift,” I say, holding my hand out to the sales associate bringing me my wrapped packages.
Is it me, or does his mom look disappointed?
“Luke didn’t tell us you were coming,” she says.
“Last minute,” I say, wringing my hands together.
“Luke didn’t come with you?” his dad asks.
A lump forms in my throat. It hits me like a ton of bricks. Luke hasn’t told them we broke up. Why? Is he embarrassed by his behavior? Is he thinking he can win me back before having to let them know?
“Um, no, he’s back in Chicago.”
Both their brows furrow. It’s not unusual for me to be in town without Luke. I do it for business all the time. The difference this time is it’s just a few days before Christmas, and Luke didn’t mention it to them.
Out of nowhere, Luke’s dad taps on the front window and waves. “Look at that. There’s Jax. The whole crew is here today.” Jax smiles, but his eyes go straight to me. He heads inside the store.
A reunion in a baby nursery store—just what I was hoping for!
“Actually, I’m staying with Jax this trip,” I say. “Maci’s kids were sick.”
Jax hugs them both then steps beside me, his hand going to the small of my back, and I take a step away. I throw him a look, trying to convey to him that they don’t know about the breakup, but can tell he doesn’t get the message.
“We were hoping Skylar was shopping for our future grandchildren,” his mom says, patting my stomach.
By the look on Jax’s face, he got that message loud and clear. His eyes narrow at me. Glaring, he says, “Skylar and Luke broke up.”
It’s like a bomb just went off. They look completely devastated. Their eyes are wide. Their mouths have fallen open, and Luke’s mom looks like she’s on the verge of tears. “What?” she cries, his father wrapping an arm around her.
How could you, Jax?
My heart breaks for Luke’s parents. They don’t deserve to find out this way. They are the sweetest people, and it’s right before Christmas. They should’ve been told with more tact. The store attendant glances over at us.
“Let’s step outside,” I say, motioning with my arm and leading them to the door.
I throw Jax the bitchiest glare I can manage and tell him, “Give me a minute alone, please.” I’m not sure what looks more rigid, his shoulders or his jaw. He doesn’t like it one bit that I’m dismissing him, but he’s done enough damage. Jax kisses Luke’s mom on the cheek and shakes Luke’s dad’s hand before walking a few feet away and leaning against a white post. He’s not within earshot, but I can feel his stare.
“Why wouldn’t Luke tell us?” his dad asks.
“I don’t know,” I say. “It happened a few weeks ago. I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”
“But you’ve been together so long,” his mom says. “What happened?’
I won’t badmouth their son to them. We have a lot of good memories. I will not tarnish that with the horrible way it ended. There’s no need for them to know the gory details. It would only hurt them. Stepping closer, I take her hand and say, “I think you should hear that from Luke.”
She nods, giving me a big hug. “You’ve been like a daughter to us. Can whatever happened be fixed?”
God help me, I don’t have it in me to tell them “no,” so I stay quiet, stealing a glance at Jax, who’s seething a few feet away. I’m sure he’d rather I go on a rant about how there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening, but it’s Luke’s job to explain things to his parents, not mine.
“Let’s not pressure Skylar,” he tells his wife then turns to me. “I hope you have a Merry Christmas.”
“You, too,” I say, watching them turn and walk away. A few tears fall from my cheeks. When you date someone, you date their family. I was lucky in that respect. I loved both Luke and his family.
“Why didn’t you tell them?” Jax asks, coming over to me.
“I had two minutes before you showed up,” I snap. “And it took me almost that long to figure out that Luke hadn’t told them.”
Regret shoots through his eyes, apparently realizing he was an asshole. “Are you alright?” he asks tenderly, rubbing my shoulder.
Jerking away, I say, “With them, yes. But not with you. You had no right to do what you did.”
“Skylar, you have no idea what it was like watching you with someone else all those years. When they assumed you and Luke were still together, I just didn’t have it in me to hide my feelings about that anymore. I wasn’t thinking.”
“I would’ve told them,” I say. His mouth opens in what I assume is going to be a lame apology, and I hold up my hand to stop him. “Let’s just
go home.”
We may be in the sunshine state, but things stayed pretty icy between Jax and I the rest of the day. Staring down at his bed, I’m unable to climb under the covers. He’s back on the sofa. Maybe I’ve grown so accustomed to feeling his warm body next to mine that I can’t fathom crawling into that bed without him. Maybe I’m still angry at what he did.
That’s what I said to him. I told him to take me home, and this is what I meant. I didn’t mean Chicago or my apartment. I meant here, and it wasn’t one of those slips of the tongues that happens when you’re on vacation, and you refer to the hotel as home. No, I wanted to come back here, to a safe place, a place of comfort and love.
Grabbing a pillow and blanket, I head downstairs. Tiptoeing, I search the darkness, but I’m at the bottom of the staircase before I realize that Jax isn’t on the sofa. The light isn’t on in his office or any other room. Did he leave? He wouldn’t just leave me here without telling me? Did I miss a note?
I head to the garage to see if his car is gone, and I see a light coming from underneath the door. Wonder what he’s doing in the garage at this hour? He probably can’t sleep, either, and I don’t have the energy to have a big discussion with him right now. I turn around, heading to my original destination—the lone chair on his patio.
Placing my pillow down, I snuggle under the blanket, looking up at the stars. It’s chilly, but I don’t care. Jax and I used to sleep outside when we were kids, staring up at the night sky. Hopefully the galaxy can give me a fresh perspective. I look up trying to find the star, the one that will show me where I need to go. The one I need to make a wish on.
This season hinges on following a star, and I could use a little guidance from above right now. Every time I turn around, I seem to be upsetting someone—Maci, Luke, his folks, Jax. If only wishing on the right star could make things right for everyone.
So that’s what I wish for—happiness for those I love.
Going left to right, I make my way through the stars, making the same wish—on the bright ones, on the faint ones, on the ones that are probably just satellites. Instead of counting sheep, I’m wishing on stars, but the result is the same, and I drift off to sleep, a wish on my lips.
Feeling a light kiss on my lips, my eyes open. The morning sun is bright, signaling the beginning of Christmas Eve. “You’re cold,” Jax says, rubbing my arms a little. “What are you doing out here?”
Ignoring him, I say, “It’s Christmas Eve.” When we were kids, that meant making reindeer food to leave out and going to church. “Anything we need to do to get ready for tomorrow?”
“Need to wrap a few gifts and some food is being delivered, but that’s it.” He shakes his head. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you sleeping outside?”
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” I say. “I just came out here to think.”
I sit up, the blanket falling from my shoulders, and a cold breeze hits me. Quickly, I lift it up on my shoulders and walk inside, Jax following me. I head upstairs to his bedroom. With each step I take, I feel emotions bubbling up inside.
He captures my hand, but I don’t turn to him. “That was a shitty thing you did with Luke’s parents yesterday.”
“It was,” he says, tilting my chin up. “I’m sorry.”
“I feel bad,” I say. “Seeing Luke’s parents so upset, knowing this is going to crush Luke.” I shake my head and ask, “Don’t you feel bad at all?”
His blue eyes tell me he does. Jax may be cocky, but he’s not an asshole. He draws a deep breath and says, “I’m not going to feel bad about loving you.”
That’s not exactly what I asked him, but my heart melts just the same. His arms slide around my waist, holding me close, his nose buried in my hair. It’s a hug. He’s hugged me before, lots of times, but this is the first time I’ve ever really felt the emotion behind it.
He’s got me. We’re in this together.
Tilting my head up, I whisper, “I’m not going to feel bad about this, either.” Then I plant a soft kiss on his lips.
“Or this,” he says, leaning into my neck.
“And definitely not this,” I say, kissing him deeper.
Skylar was right. A kiss does say a lot, and this one is telling me in no uncertain terms that she’s ready for more. Taking a step back, her eyes lock on mine. Without taking my eyes off her, I reach down, finding the remote to lower the shades on the windows. I won’t share her.
Suddenly, it feels like we might only get this day. Before she has to decide about her business, before she has to decide about Chicago, before Luke finds out about us—this may be the last day of our holiday before the unknown descends upon us.
Skylar feels it, too, her body crashing into mine. There are definitely Gentleman’s Rules for sex, the most important of which is, if you’re only thinking about yourself, you’re a selfish douchebag.
Gentleman’s Rule—Number one priority in the bedroom is your woman, not your cock.
If you’re with a real woman, her number one priority is you, so you don’t need to be a prick. I’m in good hands with Skylar, who already has me stripped out of my t-shirt. Time to play catch up, so I rip her shirt over her head.
I only briefly saw her naked before and didn’t get the opportunity to touch her or really admire her, but ever the gentleman, I should let her go first. Slipping my hands underneath her waistband, I kneel, taking her shorts and panties with me. On my knees, I look up at her, convinced she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, her skin without a tan line, perfectly smooth, her tits begging to be kissed.
“Turn,” I say.
Her cheeks flush, but she slowly turns around, and as promised, I plant a kiss on her ass cheek. She giggles, the best sound, and I get to my feet, wrapping my arms around her from behind. I find the spot on her neck that I know makes her go weak in the knees. She moans my name, and I slip one hand down her flat stomach between her legs. Her body bucks at the contact. Gently, I nibble the lobe of her ear, whispering, “This is mine.” My finger slips inside her, and her muscles clench. For me, this is just a warm-up.
Want to know what goes through a man’s mind when he’s having sex? For most men, it’s logistics like “don’t come too soon!” or “do I have a condom?” For me, right now, it’s how fucking lucky I am to finally be close to her.
She turns, forcing my hand to her hip. Our tongues wrestle with each other. Her hand on my chest, she pushes me to the bed, straddling me. I can feel her heat even through my shorts. My cock thumps, wanting nothing more than to be inside of her, but he’s not in control here.
Taking hold of her wrists, I force her to her back, pinning her arms over her head with one of my hands. If sex were a sport, I’d be the one in charge, the play caller, and right now, we are not in a hurry-up offense. It’s time to slow things down. The goal isn’t a quick score. It’s multiple scores. And it’s full contact.
She smiles shyly, and I gently kiss her lips, my tongue slowly stroking hers. My hand drifts higher, and for a second, I feel like a kid getting ready to cop a feel for the first time. I can’t tell you why men are fascinated by tits, but we just are. In general, a woman’s body is just more fun. Our dicks aren’t nearly as entertaining as a woman’s ass, tits, pussy—well, pretty much her anything.
She fits perfectly in my hand. She moans my name, and I lower my head, pulling her nipple between my teeth. Her back arches up as pleasure shoots through her body. Honest to God, I could stay in her cleavage all fucking day, kissing, sucking, biting. Maybe another day, right now my destination is a little lower.
Her body trembles as I kiss a path down her stomach to her belly button. Her fingers slip through my hair. There is nothing like a woman’s hands in your hair as you go down on her. I look up, and what a view it is—her tits, a subtle bite on her bottom lip waiting for me. My only goal is to make her feel good—in oral, i
n bed, in every part of her life.
As soon as she feels my breath, her legs tense then fall open, inviting me in. One swipe of my tongue and one of her hands flies to the sheets, grabbing it tight. Her other hand stays in my hair, a gentle encouragement, but I don’t need any. My hands on her thighs, I force her legs wider.
I don’t consider myself a selfish man, but when it comes to her, I’m as greedy as they come. I devour her, slipping my tongue deep inside her, feeling her clenching around me, desperate to orgasm. She will come, but only when I’m ready. Massaging her inner thighs with my hands, forcing the lips of her pussy to open and close, my tongue flicks her clit.
“Oh, fuck,” she cries out.
She’s a sensitive little thing. It almost feels like a battle of wills—hers to come, and mine to make this last as long as possible. I can’t help the grin on my face. This is the best Christmas Eve. Skylar and I used to play together during the holidays, showing each other our new toys. I much prefer to play with her like this.
No toys necessary.
The only playmate she needs is me.
Hoisting her thighs to my shoulders, I deepen my kiss, and she goes flying over the edge, calling out my name. Kissing her through her tremors, she comes down from her orgasm gently, her body falling limp. I look up at her, her eyes closed, a sweet, satisfied smile on her lips.
She opens her eyes, catching me staring and motioning with her hands for me to come to her. I slide up her body, kissing my way back to her lips. Her leg goes to my hip, and before I know what’s happening, she hooks her toe under the waistband of my shorts, yanking them down.
That’s a cool trick.
Our naked bodies mold together like they are two pieces of the same clay. Lightly, I brush some hair from her face, and she cups my cheek in her hand. Her leg winds around my waist, her heat beckoning me. God, I love this woman, every damn thing about her. I glide my dick inside her, our eyes locked on each other. I know in this moment, she is the last woman I will ever be with like this. Does she feel that good? Hell yes! But it’s so much more than that.